The station missions help everyone: Immediately, without registration, without having to fulfill any requirements and free of charge. Is everything OK? Good. Then we'll take care of the others.
On trips: With information and support in communication. When boarding, alighting and changing trains. With places to stay and stay overnight, wheelchairs, luggage trolleys or lifting platforms.
In acute distress: clothes broken. No cellphone. Without a place to sleep. Hungry. Thirsty. Robbed. Hurt. Sick. Weak.
In existential emergencies: Homeless. Addicted. Sick. Impoverished. Desperate.
Find out at your next train station mission.
or contact us:
Support us with your donation:
Bahnhofsmission Deutschland e. V.
IBAN: DE58 5206 0410 0005 0159 95
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